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Follow the instructions on processing your buyback online or watch the video.





How much money can I expect to get for my books?

If the textbook is being used again and the bookstore still needs copies, you can get up to HALF the price of the new book. If the bookstore already has enough copies or the book is not being used the next semester, there may be a wholesale value offered to you.


Are there any books you won't buy back?

There are certain types of books that we do not buy back. These include workbooks, lab manuals, access codes and other certain books that can not be resold. If the book is an old edition or has a new edition pending, it may not have a value. Also, certain books, such as Law books, may require minimal writing in order to have value. Therefore always keep your books in good condition with limited highlighting and notes to get the best offer. Pay attention when you purchase a Used copy as it may not been in a condition worthy of being sold back.

What happens if my book doesn't have a value?

Your book is yours, so it is your decision what to do with it.  We accept donations on behalf of our Service Learning department.  Service Learning uses the books to raise funds for children's literacy efforts. Of the books donated, approximately one third to one half have value to portion of the proceeds to Belmont University for our literacy efforts and to the charity of Belmont's choice (in our case, the National Center for Family Literacy) Usually about half of the remaining books have value to a local wholesaler. All of the proceeds received from the local wholesaler go to support Belmont Volunteers for Literacy and the work they do, including Family Literacy Day. Books not wanted by the local wholesaler or Better World Books are donated to Book’em a local literacy organization who partners with Belmont Volunteers for Literacy for Family Literacy Day and Read Me Week in February, as well as other times throughout the year.

If you can't make it to the store to sell your books, try doing it online through our partnership with MBS Textbook Exchange. Click here!

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Official Campus Store of Belmont University

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